Thursday, March 19, 2009

MovNat (movement naturally)

MOVNAT is an outdoor functional training method designed to develop, maintain or restore the full range of natural human movement capacities such as walking, running, jumping, climbing, moving on all fours, balancing, lifting, carrying, throwing, catching, swimming and defending. Through practice, fundamental physical qualities such as speed, strength, endurance, coordination and flexibility are developed. Training also necessitates and promotes the growth of essential mental and moral qualities like self-control, courage, will, focus, alertness, and respectfulness, solidarity, cooperation, and reciprocal altruism. Last, just as MOVNAT promotes the return of the body’s natural physical capacities, it also encourages respect and concern for nature. We train to be able to move naturally, we train in nature, and we train to connect ourselves with the natural world and to care for it.

This only scratches the surface of MovNat and only with years of progressive and continious training, along with correct focus will one start to understand the true essence of not only movnat, but what is truely means to be part of the mighty animal kingdom.
"Explore your true nature"

1 comment:

  1. I'm more than twice your age and envy you being exposed to MovNat while still being young enough to make it a major part of your fitness routine. I've run between 3 and 8 miles several times per week for 25 years until 2-3 years ago when I started experiencing chronic injuries. Also had a black belt, bicycled, and have spent years in the weight room.

    For some time, however, I knew something wasn't right; I knew that I was far stronger than ever, but I didn't have the abilities I had when I was a 100 lb. kid.

    After happening on an article on Le Corre, I started to implement MovNat-type activities and have regained many of those skills and movements I'd forgotten. I no longer work out; I PLAY out, and love every minute! I hope you continue to do the same.

    Lastly, parkour is amazing! I love watching YouTube videos of people performing. But you can have the spelunking; I'd wet myself from claustrophobia...
