Friday, April 17, 2009

Escape from the zoo

Over the last months, One thought has been plaguing me more and more as each day passes.

That thought is the need to escape. Escape from the "zoo". The human zoo.

I feel stuck in a cycle of domestication, day by day goes by, working the same job, earning paper to live. This drives me mad. The fact we rely on paper to posess "stuff" that we think we ne
Food sits on the shelves all wrapped up and packaged, pumped with preservatives making what was once a natural food source and manipulating it so it resembles nothing but a shadow of what it was originally. preserved to fit in with our zoo lifestyles, when in all reality it is and should be the other way around. we should adjust our lifestyles to fit in with seasonal foods
Anyway, I have been planning this for a while and I will finally put my ideals into practice
I am going to put myself into the wild over short periods of time, and extending these "periods" until i can live for as long as needed, given the need should it arise.
This wild training will take place In Whangarei heads, which has coast, mountains, rivers and most importantly and abunance of wild food.
The 1st of these "experiments" will take place on friday24th to sunday evening 26th of april. This is the initial trial, only over a few days, but these will be extended possibly up to a month in later times.
I will be taking NO zoo equipment with me, only a pair of shorts. no knife, no matches. just me.
If i need a spear to catch fish for example, then i will have to make one by sharpening a stick on a rock.
The idea is to rely on my instincts, my experience in natural movement, my ability to read the land and weather, and survival skills to live in a way our hunter/gatherer ansestors did.
I will keep you posted after each experiment, and let you know what I have found.
The picture above is where my "wild experiments" will take place.


  1. Wow. I really respect what you're doing, would be mean to do some natural trainings with you. Hope your trip goes well, won't it be bloody cold out there?

  2. thanks for the comment anthony, If you are in Whangarei you are more than welcome to come along for one of my daily trainings.
    And yes, it will be cold but Ive been training in nothing more than shorts for a long time now, so the cold doesnt really affect me like it used to. :)

  3. How did it go? I'm really keen to hear the details!

  4. Intense and now doubt very rewarding.

  5. Really interesting David this a recurrent Fantasy of mine lately I have been a pretty content Zoo human thought perhaps one day. I would love to come try it with you one of these days though.
